
The best way to interact with the Radarcord API!


  • Easy to use

  • Supports discord.js and will support eris soon.

  • Supports TypeScript

  • May come with Webhook support soon.


npm install @yoshiboi18303/radarcord-js

Basic discord.js Usage

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const { Client: Radar } = require("@yoshiboi18303/radarcord-js");

const client = new Discord.Client({
    intents: new Discord.IntentsBitField(["Guilds"]),
const radar = new Radar(client, "myradarcordauthtoken"); // Make sure to replace myradarcordauthtoken with your actual Radarcord auth token.

client.on("ready", async () => {
    console.log("The client is ready!")
    await radar.postStats(); // Send a stats post to the Radarcord API.

client.login("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"); // Make sure to replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with your Discord bot's token.

Basic eris Usage

This usage also works for classes that extend the Eris.Client class (e.g. Eris.CommandClient) so don't worry about having to rewrite your whole codebase!

const Eris = require("eris");
// Note that we're importing ErisClient here rather than Client.
const { ErisClient: Radar } = require("@yoshiboi18303/radarcord-js");

const client = Eris("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE", /* Make sure to replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with your Discord bot's token. */ {
    intents: ["guilds"],
const radar = new Radar(client, "myradarcordauthtoken"); // Make sure to replace myradarcordauthtoken with your actual Radarcord auth token.

client.on("ready", async () => {
    console.log("The client is ready!");
    await radar.postStats(); // Send a stats post to the Radarcord API.


These next methods are the same for discord.js and eris if you're using eris, use the class in the Basic Eris Usage section.

Autoposting Usage

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const { Client: Radar } = require("@yoshiboi18303/radarcord-js");
const { IntervalPreset } = require("@yoshiboi18303/radarcord-js/dist/utils");

const client = new Discord.Client({
    intents: new Discord.IntentsBitField(["Guilds"]),
const radar = new Radar(client, "myradarcordauthtoken"); // Make sure to replace myradarcordauthtoken with your actual Radarcord auth token.

client.on("ready", async () => {
    console.log("The client is ready!")
    // The timeoutInterval argument defaults to IntervalPreset.Default (120 seconds) if not passed in.
    await radar.autopostStats();
    // You can also pass in your own time interval!
    await radar.autopostStats(1 /* shardCount */, IntervalPreset.Safe /* timeoutInterval */);

client.login("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"); // Make sure to replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with your Discord bot's token.

Basic Callback Usage

const Discord = require("discord.js");
const { Client: Radar } = require("@yoshiboi18303/radarcord-js");

const client = new Discord.Client({
    intents: new Discord.IntentsBitField(["Guilds"]),
const radar = new Radar(client, "myradarcordauthtoken"); // Make sure to replace myradarcordauthtoken with your actual Radarcord auth token.
const callback = async (result) => {
    // You can also send messages to Discord if you prefer!

client.on("ready", async () => {
    console.log("The client is ready!");
    await radar.postWithCallback(callback);

client.login("YOUR_TOKEN_HERE"); // Make sure to replace YOUR_TOKEN_HERE with your Discord bot's token.

Last updated